Sunday, August 16, 2015

Final Video Prototype: Hop to Who?!

I managed to finish my video over the weekend, hooray! I shot most of it Saturday and spent that night editing. I had one last shot to film which I didn't originally plan on, so I had to shoot it and insert into the final video on Sunday morning.

Overall the whole process went really well. Planning out the script and storyboard, shot by shot, helped greatly. Combining different location shots also helped streamline the whole shooting schedule.

I decided to use a Frog toy to represent the Frog character (suggested by Peter). And illustrated the game's story and objectives using real world environments and objects rather than rely on animations. I filmed on a busy main road and also on the street outside my house for the outside locations. Everything else happened in my living room. For the shots of me explaining the game, I was able to use the chalkboard wall in my living room and illustrate some (fake) concept drawings to make an interesting backdrop.

I fortunately had the help of my partner and dog in some shots, as both actors and camera person.
Professional cameraman and teleprompter. Using a makeshift tripod.

Instead of Photoshop, I wanted to try out Premiere since I could download it for free with my Adobe CC subscription. Photoshop was fine for basic editing, but I found the timeline part a bit strange when I was trying to move and trim clips and audio. Premiere gave me a lot more controls over this. While there was a few things I needed to lookup on Google, basic video editing controls were pretty easy to learn since I've done a little editing previously, so I managed to get through this stage in a couple of hours. I also overlaid some basic illustrations made in Illustrator to help visually explain the story. Initially I wanted these to be animated, but for efficiency's sake I decided against this seeing as I'm not at all familiar with creating animations.

All in all, I'm pretty happy how it all turned out. I think I explained the concept of the game fairly clearly. Production-wise is also pretty good. The video was OK and the audio was clear enough. Some of the shots I probably should have used some kind of stabiliser so the video wasn't so wobbly. But since I was using my iPhone it was a little awkward to frame the shot without having the phone hand-held. The audio went well, there was a bit of a disparity between the audio from where I was on screen and the voice over audio I recorded separately, but luckily the music masked the difference in background noise.

Sources for Music and Video:


Ice Cream Sandwich, by Podington Bear

Game Footage:

Frogger Video from Steverd99
Frogger developed by Konami, 1981

Guess Who Video from Project Ad Hand
Commercial from 1992 for the game Guess Who? from Milton Bradley

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