Monday, August 24, 2015

Week 5: IP1

What is the key function or interaction for your concept?
Pressing given keys to control the forward movement of a frog crossing the road, and timing it to avoid moving objects.

How does it work?
Presses on randomly assigned keys will move the frog one step across the road.

What do you want to know about your prototype?
For users to understand that they can use different key presses to do the same action, i.e. move forward one space at a time. However each nominated key can only be pressed once only, once it's pressed it no longer performs any action.

How do you want IP1 to work?
The player will be placed in front of the computer, a quick tutorial will be shown to explain the rules. On screen the frog will be placed at the bottom with the goal placed at the top. In between will be moving objects which will need to be avoided. On screen, the key values that control the frog's forward movement will be displayed one at a time. The player must press these exact keys (in any order) to cross the road. However they can only press a key one time only, once that key is pressed it can no longer move the frog forward. The player must press the allocated keys to eventually get to the goal, and avoid the moving objects.

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