Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Week 7 contact: Reviewing the Video testing session

Revisit your user testing questions from the video prototype. Or consider the ones for your next testing round.
  • Which are quantitative and which are qualitative?
  • Do you fall into any of the traps outlined previously?
  • How would you rephrase the questions?
Overall I was pretty happy with the wording of my questions and the nature of the feedback I received. I would only change some minor details and wording of some ratings values, to make it more descriptive and relatable for the tester. 

What was your first impression of the video?
This was a qualitative question. I felt it was useful in getting feedback on overall feelings and initial reactions to the video prototype.

Did you understand the concept? 
This was a quantitative question, but testers we're given the chance to add comments related to this question.

Did you understand the rules?
This was a quantitative question, but testers we're given the chance to add comments related to this question.

What parts didn't you understand?
This was a qualitative question and gave testers enough option to share their concerns.

How interested are you in playing this game? (Scale 1-5, 1: not at all, 5: Let me try it now!)
This was a quantitative question. This question was a little vague, but I think the values on the scale help give an indication of what the top and bottom ratings represent.

How unique do you think the game's physical interactions are? (Scale 1-5, 1:not unique at all, 5: very unique)
This was a quantitative question. I feel this question is probably not specific enough to what "unique" actually meant. The values on the scale could be more descriptive.

Do you have any suggestions to improve the game?
This was a qualitative question.

How would you rate the video and audio production quality? (Scale 1-5, 1: poor, 5: excellent)
This was a quantitative question. The values on the scale could have been a bit more descriptive.

In the testing stage, were my instructions clear? (Scale 1-5, 1: I didn't understand at all, 5: I understood the instructions clearly)
This was a quantitative question.

Did you have enough time to ask questions or add comments after watching? 
This was a quantitative question.

Do you have any other comments?
This was a qualitative question.

For the next testing session:

I need to really consider what I want to test and what kind of feedback I need from the next session.
My initial thoughts are to focus more on the understanding of controls of the game - will users understand that they the keys can only be pressed once, and only control forward and sideways movement. Also I'd like to check the difficulty level of the game. I may make the trucks move slower across the road for the first half of users, then speed them up a bit for the second part. I don't want to make the game too easy, but also want players to be able to win.

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